
L'importanza di un buon coach

Avvicinatomi in questi ultimi mesi al coaching mi rendo conto spesso della bontà di queste tecniche a disposizione e mi chiedo chi potrebbe beneficiarne e in quale maniera.
Leggendo questo articolo trovo chi ha la mia stessa visione e ha accettato di utilizzare un coach.
Ripropongo qui l'intervista a Eric Schmidt, in cui si evidenzia come sia soprattutto la differente prospettiva con cui un coach  può aiutarti.
Ognuno di noi potrebbe aver bisogno di un coach, per individuare obiettivi, strategie, propositi, migliorare le proprie performance.
Spesso la prima cosa è proprio ammettere di poter averne bisogno, esattamente come ha fatto Eric.

Chairman and CEO of GoogleEric Schmidt says the best advice he ever got was to hire an executive coach. When board member, John Doerr initially suggested this, Schmidt resisted because he didn’t think he needed a coach. But in an interview with Fortune Magazine, he said “everyone needs a coach.”
How would a successful executive benefit from a coach?
CEOs actually have more to gain from intelligent counsel than any other person on the org chart. Numerous studies provide ample data affirming the extraordinary results that can be achieved by utilizing a top CEO coach.
How will coaching benefit you?
1. You’ll gain perspective
At the top of an organization you have a unique perspective, but that perspective is also limited by your position of power. An executive coach is one of the few people able to tell you what you need to know, but cannot or will not see. Your coach can give you objective and constructive feedback on your blind spots, and provide an outside perspective on the business and your team.
2. You can discuss ideas that are still in the inkling stage and get support in making better decisions
Ideas and strategy can grow through discussion. We all need a sounding board, but often the only people around us are those that are impacted by the decision. Coaching is a place to test out ideas and strategy with someone you trust who has no vested interest or competing agenda.
3. You’ll transition into new, bigger roles with ease
“What got you here won’t get you there.” A good coach can help a leader hit the ground running in a new role. Past success can be a big impediment to moving up the ladder successfully as we tend to repeat what has worked in the past, even though it may not be appropriate in our new role. Executive coaching can accelerate the transition and ensure success.

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